Child Support online account help - Update bank details

Instructions on how to update your bank details using your Child Support online account.

Step 1: get started

Sign in to myGov or the myGov app and select Child Support.

Select Update my bank account.

Or, select MENU then My profile then Update my bank account.

Step 2: update bank details

On the Bank account details page, we’ll display the account details you’ve given us before. To protect your personal information, we’ll only show the last 4 digits of your account number. If you don’t recognise these details, contact us.

If these details are incorrect, delete them and enter your new bank account details. Select Next.


  • BSB, to go to the Help glossary
  • Exit, if you no longer want to update your bank account details, or you want to start again.

Step 3: review and submit

We’ll give you a summary of the details you’ve told us about.

Select Account details to expand this information.

Read the Account details and make sure they’re correct.


  • Back if you need to make any changes
  • Exit if you don’t want to continue, or need to start again.

If all of the details are correct, read the declaration. If you understand and agree with the declaration, select I have read, understood and accept the declaration.

Select Submit.

Step 4: receipt

When you submit your update we’ll give you a receipt. Please make a note of the Receipt ID for your records.

The information you’ve updated may not appear in your online account straight away.

Select Finish to go back to your My profile page.

From your My profile page, select the ChildSupport icon to return to your online account homepage.

Step 5: sign out

From your homepage you can complete other transactions or select Return to myGov to go back to your myGov account.

For your privacy and security, sign out when you have finished using your myGov account.

We have other guides to help you. Read about help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps.

Page last updated: 9 December 2024.
QC 37446