
We want to make sure everyone can get information about our payments and services.

On the website

Text to speech

You can convert text on this site into speech and:

  • listen to it when you’re on the page
  • download it and listen to it later.

Select the Listen toolbar button at the bottom of your screen.

The button will expand and you’ll hear the page read to you out loud. Check your sound settings if you can’t hear it.

The text will highlight as it’s read. To switch this off, select the open/close toolbar icon  then select the settings icon.

To download an MP3 file of a page, select the menu icon  then select the download mp3 icon  . You can use it to share information with someone who doesn’t have access to the internet. Remember, if the content of the page changes, you’ll need to download it again.

Accessibility compliance

We’ve designed this website to meet the Australian Government standard. We aim to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA. Meeting these guidelines improves accessibility and your experience.

We’re always improving our website. We continue to explore different ways to make it easy for you to get information. If there’s information you need that you can’t get, please contact us on your regular payment line.

Using this website

You can use your browser’s help to:

  • change the size, font and colour of the text on our website
  • navigate our website using your keyboard on a desktop computer.

You can print pages on our site using your browser’s print function. Many of our payment pages also have a customise and print feature. This allows you to view selected details as a single page and then print it. The printed copy includes a QR code so you can return to the original web page.

PDF and other document formats

We use PDF files on our website for:

  • printed forms - including fillable forms
  • long corporate documents
  • translated information.

Any PDF viewing software should open PDF files on our website. We provide an alternative format for most documents.

You may need special software for some fillable forms.

Video and audio or transcripts

We use audio and video clips to talk about our payments and services. If you can’t view the video or listen to the audio, you can download the written transcript instead. All video, audio and other multimedia on the website have one. You can download it near the player.

Dark mode

We have a dark mode version of the website. It changes the colour theme from light to dark and can be easier to read in low light conditions.

Online accounts and mobile apps

Our online account and mobile app services must be accessible and designed to meet the needs of everyone. Read more about the accessibility of the:

In person

Service centres

Our service centres and their amenities meet the Australian standard for physical access. This means people with disability can access them.


Seating is available. Let a staff member know if you need to sit down straight away. The staff member will arrange appropriate seating and assist you to deal with your enquiry.

Help with forms

Staff in our service centres can help you complete your business with us. They can help you with things like paper forms and claiming online.


You can nominate another person, such as a family member or friend, or an organisation to deal with us for you.

Read more about getting someone to deal with us on your behalf.

Interpreter options for deaf or hard of hearing customers

We provide access to free interpreters, including Auslan interpreters.

If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, you can use different interpreting options when communicating with us, including:

  • free Auslan interpreters provided by us
  • your own interpreting and translation services and devices.

You can use your own interpreter:

  • in person
  • via video chat on your own device.

If you use your own interpreter over the phone, they must be accredited. 

Assistive listening devices

We have portable hearing loop devices available in all service centres.

Contact your local service centre to find out what’s available.

Assistance animals

If you have an assistance animal, you can bring them with you into the service centre. To enter, they must be one of the following:

  • accredited under a state or territory law, or an animal training organisation
  • appropriately trained.

Appropriately trained means the animal must both:

  • assist the person with their disability
  • meet acceptable standards of behaviour and hygiene for an animal in a public place.


Let a staff member know if you need to use a toilet. If there isn’t a toilet on site, we’ll let you know where the nearest public toilet is.

Urgent needs

If you have an urgent medical or personal need, tell a staff member straight away.

By phone

We offer some phone services to make it easier for you to contact us.

Disability, Sickness and Carers line

People with disability, illness or injury, and their carers can call 132 717. It’s for enquiries about Centrelink payments and services. It’s available 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.

Hearing and speech assistance

If you’re deaf, have hearing loss or speech disability, an effective way for you to contact us is using the National Relay Service (NRS). Register with the NRS to use one of the following options:

  • NRS Chat
  • SMS Relay
  • TTY Type and Read.

If you don’t hear well but like to speak to the other person, you can use either:

  • NRS Captions
  • TTY Speak and Read.

If you can hear but can be hard to understand over the phone, you can use one of the following options:

  • Voice Relay
  • SMS Relay Text and Listen
  • TTY Type and Listen.

If you prefer to use Auslan, you can use Video Relay.

This service is managed by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts.

For more information go to the National Relay Service on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website. You can also contact the National Relay Service Helpdesk for assistance.


People who are deaf, have hearing loss or speech disability can contact us through the TTY Freecallâ„¢ service. To use this service, you can call us on 1800 810 586. A tele-typewriter phone is required to access this service.

Language services

We have information in your language on our website.

You can also speak with us in your language.

For Centrelink payments and services, you can call our multilingual phone service.

For help with Medicare, you can call the Medicare program line. Let us know if you need an interpreter and we’ll arrange one for free.

For help with Child Support, you can call the Child Support Enquiry line. Let us know if you need an interpreter and we’ll arrange one for free.


Some information is available in audio CD, DVD, large print, braille, and e-text.

You can ask for these by calling the Disability, Sickness and Carers line on 132 717.

You can download or print translated information. We also have interpreters and translators to help you.


We have consultative networks that look at service delivery issues. They make sure everyone has access to payments and services. We consult with people who get a payment from us and peak bodies about:

  • policies
  • implementation strategies
  • promotional material
  • system changes
  • physical access.

Read more about consultation.

Complaints and feedback

We value your opinion and want to hear what you think about the quality of our service. We’ll use your feedback to improve our products and services.

Read more about complaints and feedback. If you need immediate help with your feedback call us on the Feedback and complaints line.

Page last updated: 3 March 2025.
QC 26031