Finalise flexible care claim

Finalise a flexible care claim using the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP).

Steps to finalise a flexible care claim and correct an over occupancy.

You’ll need an individual Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account to access the Aged Care Provider Portal (ACPP). If you don’t have one, you can register for an individual PRODA account.

Finalise a claim

To finalise a claim make sure you’re working in the correct service using the Service ID bar.

  1. Select the Current claim in the Quick links menu.
  2. Once the Current claim screen has loaded, select the Finalise claim button.
  3. A warning message will display to notify you about possible outstanding events that are still being processed. Select Yes to continue or No to cancel.
  4. You’ll now see the Certification by approved provider/authorised agent screen. This screen will ask to confirm that you have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions of submitting the claim. Check the box if you are happy to proceed. Then select the Submit button.
  5. If you've successfully submitted the claim, you'll see a Successful receipt screen. If you return to the All service claims screen, you'll see a status of Processing next to the claim you just finalised.

Generate an over occupancy report

Over occupancy report will appear only if the selected service is over occupied when finalising a claim.

If a service has claimed more extra service or general service places than have been approved by the Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHAC) this will generate an over occupancy report.

You'll be able to generate a report that shows you exactly:

  • how many places were over occupied on any given date that month
  • which care recipients were in the selected service on any given date that was over occupied during that month.

Clicking through the over occupancy information will enable you to amend care recipient events to address the issue. You can't finalise a claim until the over occupancy is corrected.

To generate an over occupancy report:

  1. Complete steps to finalise a claim.
  2. If a service is over occupied, you will be taken back to the Current claim screen. On this screen you’ll see:
    • an error message showing the details of the over occupancy
    • a green Over occupancy report button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

The error message will be slightly different dependent on whether the over occupancy was caused by:

  • more care recipients than available places were entered in the current claim month
  • an adjustment for a previous claim month.

Use the green Over occupancy report button to access the report.

Page last updated: 15 June 2024.
QC 74141