on this page
Why we collect your personal information
We collect your personal information so we can conduct assessments. We may use these to inform decisions regarding your payments and allowances.
An ESAt is an assessment to help us understand your barriers to work and your capacity to work. This helps us determine what type of employment services provider is best for you. Learn more about Employment Services Assessments.
A JCA is a comprehensive assessment of your level of functional impairment and work capacity. We often use these assessments if you’ve recently submitted a claim for Disability Support Pension. Learn more about Job Capacity Assessments.
If we can’t collect all or some of your personal information, we may not be able to do any of the following:
- complete your assessment
- determine your eligibility for a payment
- determine suitable mutual obligation requirements for you.
The collection of your personal information may be required or authorised by law. For more information see Section 63 of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.
How we collect your information
We sometimes collect your personal information from Australian Government departments and through assessments.
If you register through a Disability Employment Services provider, the Department of Social Services collects your personal information. They then disclose your personal information to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR). DEWR then discloses it to us.
If you register through Workforce Australia online, DEWR collects your personal information and discloses it to us.
How we manage your information
We collect your personal information so we can provide you with services and payments.
We follow strict laws and must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).
We may use your personal information with automated decision-making systems and tools. These help us provide you with the services and undertake the activities described in this privacy notice. If we use these systems and tools, we’ll comply with all applicable laws when doing so. Our use of these systems and tools doesn’t affect any rights you may have to request a review of a decision we make.
Who we may share your information with
As part of our work, we sometimes need to share your information. We only share your information with other parties where you’ve agreed, or where the law allows or requires it.
To inform key recommendations within an ESAt or JCA, we may need to:
- talk to your treating healthcare professionals
- refer you for a Specialist Assessment with a health and allied-health professional.
If we need to refer you to an employment services provider, we’ll share some information with them. We might refer you to an employment services provider when:
- you’ve requested a voluntary referral
- you’re looking for work while getting a payment from us.
We may also share your information with DEWR.
We generally don’t disclose your personal information to overseas recipients.
What information we’ll share
We may share information from your assessment report. An ESAt or JCA report will include details about:
- your medical conditions
- your barriers to work
- recommended interventions
- your capacity to work due to disability, illness or injury
- whether a referral to an employment services provider is appropriate, and what type of employment services provider is best for you.
Personal details
So you get the right support, we may need to share personal or sensitive information.
Personal information could include:
- contact details such as your name, address, phone number, date of birth
- your nominees contact details
- what help or supports you may need based on identified barriers to finding work.
Sensitive information could include:
- gender
- your culture
- the language you speak
- your health and medical information
- whether you have a criminal record.
Medical condition details
We may need to share details of your medical conditions if they affect your ability to work or participate in employment services.
This may include:
- diagnosis of medical conditions reported by your treating doctor or health practitioners
- whether the impacts of your medical conditions are likely to persist for more or less than 2 years
- treatment you receive for your medical conditions
- details about how your medical conditions impact your ability to work or participate in employment services.
Where to find more information
You can read more about:
- your right to privacy
- our Privacy Policy, which tells you how you can manage your information and how to make a privacy complaint
- Centrelink’s Personal Information Policy to see how we handle your personal information.