COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme privacy notice

This privacy notice outlines how we manage personal information for the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme.

What we collect

We collect personal information from:

  • your application for compensation under the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme
  • your vaccination records in the Australian Immunisation Register
  • your Medicare records and if applicable, your Centrelink records
  • if applicable, your authorised representative according to the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme Policy 2021
  • other relevant third parties such as your medical practitioner, hospital, employer, your private health insurer, funeral and workers’ compensation insurers.

The information we collect includes:

  • your name, date of birth, contact and other identity details
  • your eligibility for the scheme
  • your vaccine details
  • details of any injury or other harm suffered
  • any treatment received
  • medical conditions, including medical reports
  • any amounts paid or payable to you by third parties
  • amounts claimed under the scheme
  • relevant hospital admission records.

If applicable, we also collect:

  • information about your income, employment and retirement
  • receipts and other records of treatment
  • information about care services.

If you’re claim is for a deceased person, we collect:

  • a death certificate or medical cause of death certificate
  • copy of the grant of probate or letter of administration
  • evidence that the claim is made by an authorised representative of the deceased
  • details of medical conditions, including medical reports
  • if applicable, funeral costs and any amounts paid or payable by third parties
  • if applicable, information about the deceased’s dependants, siblings or parents.

Why we collect this information

We collect your personal information to use for your claim under the scheme.

We may use your personal information with automated decision-making systems and tools to help us provide you with the services, and undertake the activities, described in this privacy notice. If we use these systems and tools, we will comply with all applicable laws when doing so. Our use of these systems and tools does not affect any rights you may have to request a review of a decision we make.

How we’re authorised to collect your information

We collect, use and disclose your personal information in line with the:

  • Privacy Act 1988
  • secrecy provisions in other relevant legislation as applicable, for example, the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015, Health Insurance Act 1973, and the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.

Who we may share your information with

We can share your information with:

  • the Department of Health who has policy responsibility for the Scheme
  • Services Australia and the Department of Health and Aged Care’s contractors who are involved in the administration of the Scheme, which will include medical and legal professionals
  • the Australian Government Actuary for reporting purposes
  • third parties such as your health and other treatment providers, employer and relevant insurers, to verify any documents by them that you have provided as part of your claim
  • an expert panel of legal service providers engaged to assess claims and make recommendations under the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme Policy 2021
  • if applicable, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • if applicable, insurers, including medical indemnity insurers.

We won’t disclose your information overseas unless you’ve either:

  • received medical treatment for the relevant condition overseas
  • been employed or lived overseas during a relevant period
  • provided documents from overseas that we need to verify.

If you do fall into one of these categories, your personal information may be disclosed. This includes to recipients in the country where you received medical treatment, where you were employed or lived, or where the documents came from.

How to view or correct your personal information

You can’t view or update your claim yourself once it’s been submitted. If you think information submitted as part of your claim is incorrect, email

Our Privacy Policy has details about how you can access your personal information held more broadly by Services Australia. It also tells you how you can ask us to correct your information, if it’s wrong.

Where to find more information

Go to our Privacy Policy for more information about how to make a privacy complaint.

Page last updated: 24 January 2025.
QC 62029