CCTV privacy notice

This privacy notice outlines how we manage personal information collected by closed-circuit television (CCTV).

What we collect

We collect CCTV video images of people when they attend our service centres. This includes staff, customers and other visitors. We may collect still images from the CCTV video. We don’t use facial recognition technology with CCTV images.

Why we collect this information

We collect your personal information to provide services to you in an environment that is safe and secure for staff, customers and other visitors. CCTV is a protective security control used by the agency for deterring, detecting, investigating and responding to security incidents.

How we’re authorised to collect your information

We collect, use and disclose your personal information, including CCTV video and still images, in line with:

  • the Privacy Act 1988
  • the Social Security Act 1991
  • the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
  • the National Health Act 1953
  • the Health Insurance Act 1973
  • secrecy provisions in other relevant legislation as applicable
  • State and Territory workplace surveillance laws.

Who we may share your information with

We only share your personal information with other parties where you’ve agreed, or where the law allows or requires it.

In certain circumstances, we may:

  • share your information with Commonwealth, State and Territory law enforcement entities
  • share still images from CCTV footage between our service centres if there is an urgent risk because of a security incident.

How to view or correct your personal information

Our Privacy Policy has details about how you can access your personal information. It also tells you how you can ask us to correct your information, if it’s wrong.

How to make a complaint or give feedback

Our Privacy Policy outlines how to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. It also outlines how we deal with such a complaint.

Where to find more information

You can read more about:

  • your right to privacy, including why we collect, use and when we share your information
  • our Privacy Policy, which includes more information about how we handle your personal information.
Page last updated: 11 February 2025.
QC 80431