We have information in different languages about Employment income reporting
Top tips for getting your reporting right video
Making it easier to report employment income
Changing the Social Security Income Assessment Model
For Centrelink payments and services, you can call our multilingual phone service.
Employment income affects your payment from us. To make sure we’re paying you the right amount, we need you to report your and your partner’s gross employment income.
Your gross income is the amount your employer pays you before tax and other deductions. You can find your gross pay amount on your payslip.
The information on this page may not apply to you if you’re permanently blind and get Disability Support Pension (DSP). Find out more about employment income reporting when you’re working while getting DSP.
When you get a payment from us, you need to know:
- what to report
- when to report
- how to report
- what you must do when we pre-fill your information into your report.
You can get reminders to report to make sure you report your employment income.
You must report your employment income to us to avoid getting a debt.
Watch our interactive video on what you need to know and do to report your income.