Most viewed payments for Looking for work

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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JobSeeker Payment

Financial help if you’re between 22 and Age Pension age and looking for work. It’s also for when you’re sick or injured and can’t do your usual work or study for a short time.

  1. Looking for work
  2. Top payments

Youth Allowance

Financial help if you’re 24 or younger and a student or Australian Apprentice, or 21 or younger and looking for work.

  1. Top payments
  2. Youth Allowance

Youth Allowance for job seekers

Financial help if you’re 21 or younger and looking for work, or temporarily unable to work.

  1. Housing
  2. Top payments

Rent Assistance

A regular extra payment if you pay rent and get certain payments from us.

  1. Growing up
  2. Top payments

Parenting Payment

The main income support payment while you’re a young child’s main carer.

  1. Looking for work
  2. Top payments

Mobility Allowance

A payment to help with travel costs for work, study or looking for work if you have a disability, illness or injury that means you can’t use public transport.

  1. Looking for work
  2. Top payments

Energy Supplement

An extra payment to help with energy costs if you get certain payments from us.

  1. Retirement years
  2. Top payments

Financial Information Service

A free service that can inform and educate you about financial matters.

  1. Looking for work
  2. Top payments

Parent Pathways

If you’re a parent or carer for a child under 6 years, you may be able to get help to identify and work towards your goals.

  1. Looking for work
  2. Top payments

Sickness Allowance

You can no longer claim Sickness Allowance. But you may be able to claim another income support payment.

Search results summary and pagination

23 results, showing 1 to 10
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60163