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Payments from us
You may be able to get a payment from us while you study at a higher level.
If you get a payment from us, you need to keep us up to date while you’re studying. This is because changes to your circumstances can affect your payment from us. You need to tell us about any changes within 14 days.
Things you need to tell us about include:
- your study load
- your living situation
- money you earn from work.
You can get a payment from us after you’ve started your course. We’ll include the amount of study you’ve already done in your allowable time. Allowable time is the maximum time you can get a payment for. Read about allowable time for Youth Allowance and Austudy payments.
If you get ABSTUDY Living Allowance, we’ll assess you for reasonable time.
Read more about reasonable time.
If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov sign in now to tell us about changes to your circumstances.
You can also tell us using either:
Read more about what you can do using self service.
If you don’t have access to a self service option please call the youth and students line.
Changes to your study load
We regularly check in with you about your study load. But you also need to contact us as soon as you change your study load. This could be because you’re sick or injured or you’ve changed courses.
Changes to your living situation
While you’re studying, your living situation could change many times. You need to tell us if you move house or your living situation changes. For example, you need to let us know if you:
- start living with housemates
- move in with a parent or guardian
- move in with a partner
- start paying rent.
You also need to update your address details with us.
Read more about moving house and what you need to tell us when you move.
Changes to work
When you’re studying, you may not be able to work much, if at all. But you still need to tell us about any income you or your partner earn. This means we can pay you the right amount and you won’t incur a debt.
Read about how to report your income to us.
Other help
Your education provider may be able to help you with things like:
- tutoring
- child care
- different study options.
Family support
Family Tax Benefit is a 2-part payment that helps with the cost of raising children.
If you get Family Tax Benefit or Carer Allowance, you can ask for them to be offset. This means your payment can be paid on a different week to your income support payment. To find out if you’re eligible, call your regular payment line.
If you have young children, Child Care Subsidy may help cover the costs of child care.
The weekly payment option can allow you to get your income support payment weekly. This can help you if you find it hard to budget a fortnightly payment.
Mental health support
It’s important to look after your mental health while you study. Read about how to access mental health support if you need it.
Manage your money
There’s information and support available to help you manage your money. This includes how to deal with debt.
Contact numbers available on this page.
Youth and students line
Use this line for help with payments for students, apprentices and trainees of any age, and job seekers under 22.
There are other ways you may want to contact us.