How much Austudy you can get
The amount of Austudy you get depends on how much you earn.
What the Student Start up Loan is
The Student Start-up Loan is a voluntary $1,321 loan for eligible students who get Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
Who can get Tertiary Access Payment
To get the Tertiary Access Payment, you need to meet some rules.
Who can get Youth Allowance for students and apprentices
Check if you're eligible to get Youth Allowance as a student or an Australian Apprentice.
How much Pensioner Education Supplement you can get
Depending on your circumstances, there are 2 different rates of Pensioner Education Supplement you can get.
Income and assets tests for Youth Allowance for student and Australian Apprentices
We use income and assets tests to check if you can get Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices and how much you might get.
How to claim Youth Allowance for students and apprentices
Complete the following steps to claim Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices. Before you start, check if you can get it.
Personal income test for Youth Allowance for job seekers
We use income tests to see if you’re eligible for a payment and work out how much you’ll get.
Centrelink online account help - Apply for an advance payment
Instructions to apply for an advance payment using your Centrelink online account.
How to claim Austudy
Complete the following steps to claim Austudy. Before you start, check if you can get it.