on this page
- Rođenje bebe / Having a baby
- Zdravlje i sigurnost djeteta / Child health and safety
- Rastavljeni roditelji / Separated parents
- Stambeni smještaj / Stanovanje / Housing
- Promjene u vezama / Relationship changes
- Obiteljsko nasilje / Family and domestic violence
- Preseljenje u Australiju / Moving to Australia
- Prirodna katastrofa / Natural disaster
- Godine za mirovinu / Retirement years
- Primanje usluga skrbi o starijim osobama / Getting aged care services
- Od nedavno nezaposlen/a / Recently unemployed
- Traženje posla / Looking for work
- Zaposlen/a / Working
- Raspoređivanje novca / Managing your money
- Škola / School
- Traženje medicinske pomoći / Seeking medical help
- Život s invaliditetom / Living with disability
Ako koristite pomoćnu tehnologiju i ne možete pristupiti našim prevedenim informacijama, možete nas kontaktirati na svom jeziku.
If you are using assistive technology and cannot access our translated information, you can contact us in your language.
We have translated international forms you can use if you live outside Australia. You can use these forms to claim a Centrelink payment. You can also use them to apply for a child support assessment.