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What to tell us
It’s important you tell us as soon as possible if your circumstances change.
If your contact details change
You must tell us if you change any of the following:
- postal address
- phone number
- email address.
We have online guides to help you. You can read either one or both of the following online guides about updating your details:
- updating your contact details using your online account
- advising of name change using your online account.
If your care arrangements change
We consider the percentage of care you provide as part of your child support assessment.
If the way you share care for your child changes, you need to tell us within 28 days. If you don’t, we may only be able to update your child support payments from the date you tell us.
If your bank details change
If we pay child support into your bank account, tell us if you change or update any of these:
- your account name
- your account number
- your BSB number.
If your income changes
You need to tell us about any changes to your income when they happen. This includes if you claim an income support payment, like JobSeeker Payment.
Generally, we can’t backdate income changes, so it’s important you tell us as soon as you can.
If your income has gone down since your last assessment, you should tell us. We can use an estimate of your current income in your assessment.
Only you can make an estimate. If you choose to make an estimate it’s important you do this as soon as you can. We can only use your estimate from the day you tell us.
If we’re already using your estimate of income, and your income changes, you’ll need to give us a new estimate.
If you earn extra income after you separate, you can ask us to exclude it from your child support assessment. For example, if you get a second job.
To apply to exclude income, complete the Application for Post Separation Income to be Excluded form.
The easiest way to send this to us is online.
To upload the form online, you need a Child Support online account linked to myGov. If you don’t have a myGov account or a Child Support online account you’ll need to create them.
You can also:
- use the Express Plus Child Support mobile app
- send it by post or fax.
If you’re a non-parent carer, you won’t need to tell us about income changes.
If your relationship changes
You and the other parent get back together
It’s important you tell us if you and the other parent get back together. We can suspend your child support assessment for up to 6 months.
We’ll end the suspension once you’ve been together for 6 months. This means your child support case will end. The receiving parent can ask us to end the case sooner. We may do this when you’ve met the reasons for ending an assessment and we can accept the relevant application or agreement.
Read more about ending a child support assessment.
You and the other parent separate again
If you separate during the 6 month suspension period, either of you can ask us to restart child support. Payments will start from your new separation date.
If you separate after 6 months, you’ll need to apply for a new child support assessment.
You should do this within 13 weeks of separating. If not, you’ll only get the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A.
You have a child with someone else
You need to tell us if you have a child with a new partner. Dependent children other than the children in your child support assessment may be taken into account.
Read about assessments for parents with second families.
If you change or correct your name
It’s important to tell us if you change your legal name.
To change your name online, you need a Child Support online account linked to myGov. If you don’t have a myGov account or a Child Support online account you’ll need to create them.
You can also change your name using the Express Plus Child Support mobile app.
Child Support will use your new name in letters sent to the other parent. This includes assessment letters. If you are concerned about this, please call us on the Child Support enquiry line.
If you have other changes
You may also need to tell us if any of the following happen:
- you, the other parent or your children change or correct names
- your child is going to turn 18 this year and will still be in full time secondary school
- someone else legally adopts your child
- you and the other parent have another child together
- your child marries or starts to live with their partner
- you, the other parent or your children move overseas
- your child, or the other parent or carer dies.
If you have a child support agreement
You must tell us about any changes to the conditions of either your:
Your agreement may mean that some changes won’t affect your child support. You should still let us know if your income or care arrangements change. We may use this information when we calculate your notional assessment for a binding child support agreement or limited child support agreement.
You must also tell us about any changes to your care arrangements as soon as you can.
If you have an Australian court order or overseas maintenance liability
Your court order or overseas maintenance liability may mean that some changes to your circumstances won’t affect your child support.
Call us on the Child Support Enquiry Line to talk about your options. You may need to seek legal advice about how to change it.
Why you should tell us
You must tell us when your circumstances change. If you don’t, one or more of the following could happen:
- you could be paid the wrong amount of child support
- you could get an overpayment and have to pay it back
- you could miss important information from us
- you could get behind with your payments and build up a debt.
Keeping your details up to date will also limit how often we need to contact you.
How to tell us
If your Child Support online account is linked to myGov you can tell us about changes to your circumstances online.
You can also tell us by either:
- using the Express Plus Child Support mobile app
- calling us on the Child Support enquiry line.
Read more about what you can do using self service.
We have Child Support online guides to help you update your details and manage your payments.
Contact numbers available on this page.
Child Support enquiry line
Use this line if you have a question about child support or need to report a change in your circumstances. Let us know if you need an interpreter and we’ll arrange one for free.
There are other ways you may want to contact us.