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Disaster payments
The Australian Government and state and territory governments work together to provide help to people affected by a declared natural disaster. Read about natural disaster support.
If you’re getting an income support payment, you may have mutual obligation or participation requirements. If you’re affected by a disaster we may be able to give you extra help while you get an income support payment.
If you’re getting a payment from us, make sure you manage your payment so we pay you the right amount.
Our other payments
Income support payments
You may be able to get an income support payment. The type of payment you may get depends on your situation. Check if you’re eligible for a payment.
If you already get an income support payment, you may be able to get an advance lump sum payment.
Financial hardship payments
If you’re in financial hardship, there are some payments that may help.
Additional Child Care Subsidy Temporary Financial Hardship gives extra help with the cost of approved child care. It’s short-term help if you’re in financial hardship due to events outside your control. This includes when a major disaster event has adversely affected your family.
Carer Adjustment Payment is a one-off payment if your child under 7 gets a severe illness or major disability. The illness or disability must be because of a catastrophic event.
Crisis Payment for Other Extreme Circumstances may help if you’ve had to change where you live due to an unforeseen extreme circumstance. This includes flood, fire or community violence.
If you aren’t eligible for a payment, check if you can get a Special Benefit. This is only if you can’t get any other income support payment or benefit from us.
Other financial help
You can get an early release of your super to help with unpaid expenses. You can apply based on compassionate grounds from the Australian Taxation Office. If you’re in severe financial hardship, apply to your super fund.
Centrelink debt repayments
If you have a Centrelink debt, you can pause or change your repayments for up to 3 months.
Read about the disaster events where you have flexible debt repayment choices.
No interest loans
If you need a loan, check the Good Shepherd website to see if you can get a no interest loan.