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Please note: You’ll get an immediate assessment when you request PBS authorities online.
Patient eligibility
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) subsidises treatment with somatropin under the National Health Act 1953, section 100 for both:
- patients aged 18 years or older
- paediatric patients who have reached mature skeleton.
Where the patient has either:
- late onset severe growth hormone deficiency
- childhood onset severe growth hormone deficiency.
Patients must be eligible for the PBS and meet the relevant restriction criteria.
The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits on the PBS website outlines restrictions for prescribing somatropin.
Section 100 arrangements
This item is PBS-subsidised under Section 100 Growth Hormone Program and can be dispensed by a:
- community pharmacy
- participating PBS reform public hospital pharmacy
- private hospital pharmacy
- dispensing doctor.
Treatment specifics
To be eligible for PBS-subsidised treatment with somatropin, patients must be treated by an endocrinologist.
Authority applications to prescribe somatropin are assessed and approved by brand. You’ll need to specify the brand on the prescription along with the form and strength. For computer generated prescriptions, put the active ingredient first, followed by the brand. The prescription must include the form and strength.
Authority approvals are valid for the requested brand only and can’t be substituted at the pharmacy. If a patient requires a change in brand part way through the treatment course, you’ll need to submit a new authority application for approval.
Somatropin isn’t PBS-subsidised for patients with Prader-Willi Syndrome aged 18 years or older without a documented childhood onset Growth Hormone Deficiency.
Authority applications
You can get immediate PBS authority assessment results for Growth Hormone Authority requests. You can submit your authority application through the Online PBS Authorities system.
You can access the Online PBS Authorities system through:
- Health Professional Online Services (HPOS)
- your upgraded clinical and prescribing software when available.
Use the Online PBS Authorities system to:
- get an immediate authority assessment
- reduce the waiting period for approved authority prescriptions
- submit authority applications 24/7
- cancel or amend an approved application that hasn’t been already dispensed
- ask about your previous authority requests for a period of up to 2 years.
Use your Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account to access the Online PBS Authorities system. PRODA provides secure access to online government services. If you don’t have an account yet, register now.
Find out how you can join other clinicians using the Online PBS Authorities system.
Applying for initial treatment
Applications for initial authority approval to prescribe PBS-subsidised somatropin to treat severe growth hormone deficiency can be made in:
- real time using the Online PBS Authority system
- writing and use HPOS Form upload
- writing and mail to PBS Complex Drugs Programs.
All written applications must include:
- details of the proposed prescription or prescriptions
- the completed growth hormone deficiency - late onset initial authority application form
- the completed growth hormone deficiency - childhood onset initial authority application form
- relevant attachments.
Applying for continuing treatment
Applications for continuing authority approval to prescribe PBS-subsidised somatropin to treat severe growth hormone deficiency can be made either:
- in real time using the Online PBS Authority system
- by calling the PBS Complex Drugs Programs enquiry line.
More information
Call the PBS Complex Drugs Programs enquiry line for more information.