Please note: You’ll get an immediate assessment when you request PBS authorities online.
Patient eligibility
The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) subsidises treatment with aflibercept, dexamethasone intravitreal implant, faricimab and ranibizumab under the National Health Act 1953, section 85 for patients with BRVO or CRVO with macular oedema.
Patients must be eligible for the PBS and meet the relevant restriction criteria.
The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits on the PBS website outlines the restrictions for prescribing aflibercept, dexamethasone intravitreal implant, faricimab and ranibizumab.
Treatment specifics
To be eligible for PBS-subsidised treatment with these medicines, patients must be treated by either an:
- ophthalmologist
- accredited ophthalmology registrar in consultation with an ophthalmologist.
Authority applications
Applying for initial treatment
Applications for initial authority approval to prescribe PBS-subsidised aflibercept, dexamethasone intravitreal implant, faricimab and ranibizumab to treat BRVO or CRVO can be made in:
- real time using the Online PBS Authorities system
- writing and use HPOS Form upload
- writing and mail to PBS Complex Drugs Programs.
All written applications must include:
- details of the proposed prescription or prescriptions
- the completed retinal vein occlusion - initial authority application form
- relevant attachments.
Applications to move between different drugs to treat BRVO or CRVO will require a new initial authority application to be completed.
Applying for continuing treatment
Continuing PBS-subsidised treatment with aflibercept, dexamethasone intravitreal implant, faricimab and ranibizumab is Authority Required (Streamlined). You don’t need authority approval from us for the listed quantities and repeats.
More information
Call the PBS Complex Drugs Programs enquiry line for more information.