Lymphoma - Hodgkin lymphoma

The PBS subsidises brentuximab vedotin for patients with relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma.

Please note: You’ll get an immediate assessment when you request PBS authorities online.

Patient eligibility

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) subsidises treatment with brentuximab vedotin under the National Health Act 1953, section 100 for patients with relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma.

Patients must be eligible for the PBS and meet the relevant restriction criteria.

The Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits on the PBS website outlines the restrictions for prescribing brentuximab vedotin.

Section 100 arrangements

This item is only PBS-subsidised for non-admitted patients, day admitted patients or patients on discharge who are attending:

  • an approved private hospital
  • a public participating hospital
  • a public hospital.

This item isn't PBS-subsidised for public hospital in-patients.

Authority applications

Applying for initial treatment

Applications for initial authority approval to prescribe PBS-subsidised brentuximab vedotin to treat relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma can be made either in:

All written applications must include the completed:

Applying for continuing treatment

Applications for continuing authority approval to prescribe PBS-subsidised brentuximab vedotin to treat relapsed or refractory Hodgkin lymphoma can be made either:

More information

Call the PBS Complex Drugs Programs enquiry line for more information.

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Page last updated: 29 July 2024.
QC 36681