You have until 19 August 2025 to make a claim for the following Local Government Areas (LGAs):
- Barcaldine
- Blackall-Tambo
- Boulia
- Burdekin
- Cairns
- Carpentaria
- Cassowary Coast
- Charters Towers
- Cloncurry
- Cook
- Croydon
- Diamantina
- Douglas
- Etheridge
- Flinders
- Hinchinbrook
- Hope Vale
- Kowanyama
- Longreach
- McKinlay
- Northern Peninsula Area
- Palm Island
- Pormpuraaw
- Richmond
- Tablelands
- Townsville
- Whitsunday
- Winton
- Wujal Wujal
- Yarrabah.
To see emergency information about your LGA, you can enter your address into the Queensland Government’s find your local council tool.