How to manage your Parenting Payment
Your options for Parenting Payment.
What happens during and after the Employment Services Assessment
During your Employment Services Assessment (ESAt), the assessor will talk to you about factors that affect your ability to work or participate.
Which payments are eligible for transfer to Age Pension
If you get an eligible payment, we’ll invite you to apply to transfer to Age Pension.
Work Bonus and your partner’s income
Your partner’s assessable income may also change with the Work Bonus.
Change of circumstances while getting Youth allowance for job seekers
You must tell us if things change as it may affect your Youth Allowance for job seekers.
Who can get Farm Household Allowance
You need to meet eligibility requirements to get Farm Household Allowance.
Centrelink online account help - Add a new Centrepay deduction
How to use your Centrelink online account to add a new Centrepay deduction.
What to do at tax time
Find out what you need to do after each financial year at tax time if you get a payment from us.
Capability assessment
An assessment done by us to find out if you’re capable of meeting your current mutual obligation requirements.
JobKeeper Payment during Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Your employer may have paid you JobKeeper Payment during Coronavirus (COVID-19). The Australian Taxation Office paid this to your employer if they’re eligible.