Manage budget changes

Your budget may change depending on how much you earn. We have tools and support to help you manage your money.

You’ll go through many changes in your lifetime, so the way you use your money will change. We have information to help you manage your money at different times of your life. You can use this simple money manager to keep track of your finances.

Help with money

If the hours you work and how much you earn often change, we may be able to help you.

Advance payments

Depending on what payment you get from us, you may be able to get an advance payment.

This means you can get a payment early. You pay it back later out of your payments from us.

There’s a limit on how much money we can advance you. The amount depends on what kind of payment you get.

Weekly payments

The weekly payment option allows you to get your income support payment weekly. This can help you better budget expenses.

Other help available

Our Financial Information Service (FIS) Officers can talk to you about financial matters and can help you make informed financial decisions. As a free service, FIS Officers are available to assist through a dedicated phone service, video and face-to-face appointments.

Check if you qualify for a no interest loan from Good Shepherd. These loans provide safe, fair and affordable credit for essential goods and services. You can pay this loan back through Centrepay.

Saver Plus is a matched savings and financial education program offered locally by community organisations in every state and territory. Read more about it on the Brotherhood of St Laurence website.

The Salvation Army Financial Counselling service, Moneycare, is a free service that has counsellors to help you manage your finances.

If you need some extra help with your finances, you can find a financial counsellor in your area on the National Debt Helpline website.

Help if you’re self-employed

If you have low income while you’re self-employed, help is available. If the amount you earn goes down, you may be eligible to get a payment from us while your income is low.

The website has information and support to help your business succeed.

Page last updated: 18 December 2024.
QC 60063