Centrelink online account help - Upload documents
Instructions on how to upload and submit documents using your Centrelink online account.
Most types of income count in your income test. We use this and your assets test to assess if you can get a payment, and to calculate your rate of payment.
Centrelink online account help - Report employment income
Follow this guide to report your employment income and Job Plan requirements using your Centrelink online account.
How much JobSeeker Payment you can get
We pay JobSeeker Payment every 2 weeks. The amount you get depends on your personal situation.
Who can get JobSeeker Payment
You need to meet some rules to get JobSeeker Payment.
Advance payment
You may get part of your income support payment or Family Tax Benefit (Part A) early. This is an advance payment. You pay it back later out of your payments from us.
Principal carer rules for Parenting Payment
To get Parenting Payment you must be the main carer of a young child or children.
Payment schedule and rates for people outside Australia
We’ll pay your pension differently if you live outside Australia on a permanent or long term basis.
Payments while outside Australia
To get your payment or concession card while outside Australia, you must continue to meet the qualification rules at all times.
What to do at tax time
Find out what you need to do after each financial year at tax time if you get a payment from us.