Most viewed payments for Working

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Managing your money
  2. Most useful information

Claim for Special Employment Advance form (SU514)

Use this form to claim a special employment advance.

Overdrawn bank account

You can get help to access your money if you have an overdrawn bank account.

Paid Parental Leave counted as income

We treat Paid Parental Leave (PPL) as taxable income. This means Parental Leave Pay counts in your income test for payments from us.

  1. Youth Allowance
  2. Youth Allowance for job seekers

When to claim Youth Allowance for job seekers

When you can submit your claim for Youth Allowance for job seekers depends on your situation. You may be able to start your claim early.

  1. How to manage your participation requirements
  2. Getting a medical certificate

How to upload a medical certificate

Instructions on how to upload and submit a medical certificate using your Centrelink online account or the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

  1. How much you can get
  2. Dependent or independent

Independent through work for Youth Allowance as a job seeker

You may be an independent job seeker if you’ve supported yourself through full time paid work.

  1. Who can get it
  2. Getting a DVA payment

Veteran Payment affects your income support payment

Information to help you make a choice between Veteran Payment and an income support payment.

  1. Manage your money
  2. Tax time

What happens after you lodge your tax return at tax time

What happens after you lodge your tax return depends on your circumstances. You may get a refund or have a tax bill from the ATO, or have to wait for us to balance your FTB or CCS.

  1. Self service
  2. Centrelink self service

Electronic messaging

A service that lets you get important text messages or emails from us. You don’t need an online account for this.

Payment and Service Finder

An online tool to see what payments and services you may be eligible for.

Search results summary and pagination

349 results, showing 171 to 180
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60157