Most viewed payments for Working

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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Rural customers and primary producers

Some rural properties and farms have more than one title or larger blocks than residential properties. The asset test rules are different for these properties.

  1. How much you can get
  2. Dependent or independent

Independent for Youth Allowance as a job seeker

If you get Youth Allowance as a job seeker, there are several reasons we may consider you independent.

  1. Top payments
  2. Rent Assistance

How to manage your Rent Assistance

Your options and obligations for Rent Assistance.

  1. JobSeeker Payment
  2. When you’ll get your first payment

New to JobSeeker Payment

What you need to do to get your first JobSeeker Payment, how much you’ll get and who to contact about mutual obligation requirements.

Demerits and penalties for not meeting mutual obligation or participation requirements

Job seekers could get demerits and financial penalties for not meeting mutual obligation.

  1. North Queensland Floods, January - February 2025
  2. Disaster Recovery Allowance

What the Nth Qld Floods, Jan - Feb 2025 - Disaster Recovery Allowance is

Disaster Recovery Allowance is a short term payment to help you if North Queensland floods in January - February 2025 directly affects your income.

  1. Retirement years
  2. Most useful information

Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf (outside Australia) form (AUS221)

Use this form if you want to nominate a person or organisation outside Australia to act on your behalf with Centrelink.

Income specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

If you or your partner earn an income or someone gives you money from any source, you need to let us know.

  1. Top payments
  2. Parenting Payment

When you’ll get your first Parenting Payment

Parenting Payment is a fortnightly payment. We’ll tell you when your first payment is after we approve your claim.

  1. How to keep your payment
  2. Employment income reporting

When to report your income to Centrelink

If you’re getting an income support payment, we’ll tell you when you need to report any other income you get.

Search results summary and pagination

348 results, showing 151 to 160
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60157