Most viewed payments for Working

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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Real estate income

This is lease or rent money you get from a property you own. It counts in your income test.

  1. Top payments
  2. Income Bank

How to manage Income Bank credits

There’s a maximum number of credits you can have in your Income Bank.

  1. JobSeeker Payment
  2. How to report and manage your payment

Change of circumstances when you get JobSeeker Payment

You must tell us if things change as it may affect your JobSeeker Payment.

  1. Separated parents
  2. Most useful information

Objecting to a Child Support decision form (CS1893)

Use this form to object to a child support decision we made that you disagree with.

Mutual obligation requirements for principal carers

These are tasks and activities you agree to do to keep getting your payment. They give you a better chance of finding work.

Asset hardship provisions

We may stop, reject or reduce your payment because of the assets test. If this is the case, you may be able to apply under the asset hardship provisions.

  1. Asset types
  2. Gifting

What gifts we include in income and assets tests

We may include your gift if you give away, sell or transfer it for less than its market value.

Employment Services Assessments

If you need help finding a job, we'll assess the impact of your barriers to work including disability, illness or injury.

  1. Working while you’re getting Disability Support Pension
  2. Getting help to find work

Disability Employment Services

Services that can help you find and keep a job if you have a disability, illness or injury.

  1. Working
  2. Top payments

High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment

This was support if you worked in a high-risk setting and couldn't earn an income because you tested positive for COVID-19.

Search results summary and pagination

348 results, showing 131 to 140
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60157