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  1. Top payments
  2. JobSeeker Payment

How much JobSeeker Payment you can get

We pay JobSeeker Payment every 2 weeks. The amount you get depends on your personal situation.

  1. Top payments
  2. JobSeeker Payment

Who can get JobSeeker Payment

You need to meet some rules to get JobSeeker Payment.

  1. JobSeeker Payment
  2. How much you can get

Income and assets tests for JobSeeker Payment

You must meet the income and assets tests to get JobSeeker Payment.

Weekly payment option

Some people can get income support payments paid each week instead of each fortnight.

Nov 2024

Changes to Centrelink medical exemption time limits for job seekers

From 1 January 2025, if you’re getting a certain payment from us and have a temporary incapacity, your medical exemption could last up to 24 months.

  1. Prepare to transfer to Age Pension
  2. Transfer to Age Pension

Which payments are eligible for transfer to Age Pension

If you get an eligible payment, we’ll invite you to apply to transfer to Age Pension.

  1. Top payments
  2. Mobility Allowance

Who can get Mobility Allowance

You can get Mobility Allowance if you meet certain criteria.

  1. JobSeeker Payment
  2. When to claim

Starting your claim for JobSeeker Payment

You can start your claim for JobSeeker Payment up to 13 weeks before your circumstances change.

Dec 2024

Public holiday closures over the Christmas and New Year period

Your Centrelink payment and reporting dates may change due to the upcoming public holidays.

  1. What your commitments are
  2. Travel outside Australia

What the approved reasons for travel overseas are if you get JobSeeker Payment

To get JobSeeker Payment while you’re overseas, you must travel for an approved reason.

Search results summary and pagination

330 results, showing 1 to 10
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60164