How much JobSeeker Payment you can get
We pay JobSeeker Payment every 2 weeks. The amount you get depends on your personal situation.
Who can get JobSeeker Payment
You need to meet some rules to get JobSeeker Payment.
Residence rules for JobSeeker Payment
To be eligible for the JobSeeker Payment you must meet the residence rules.
Income and assets tests for JobSeeker Payment
You must meet the income and assets tests to get JobSeeker Payment.
How much Mobility Allowance you can get
You can get a standard rate or higher rate of Mobility Allowance depending on your circumstances.
Working Credit
Lets you keep more of your income support payment and benefits if you're working.
Transfer to Age Pension
If you’re Age Pension age and get an eligible payment, you can apply to transfer to Age Pension.
What your commitments are to get JobSeeker Payment
There are things you must do to keep getting your JobSeeker Payment.
Who can get Youth Allowance for job seekers
You need to meet some rules to get Youth Allowance as a job seeker.
Who can get Mobility Allowance
You can get Mobility Allowance if you meet certain criteria.