Most viewed payments for Looking for work

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  1. Youth Allowance for job seekers
  2. How much you can get

Higher rates of Youth Allowance when living away from home - job seekers

You may get a higher rate of Youth Allowance. This is if you need to live away from your parents' home to look for work.

  1. Youth Allowance
  2. Youth Allowance for job seekers

How to report and manage your Youth Allowance for job seekers payment

To keep getting Youth Allowance for job seekers you need to report every 2 weeks. You also need to keep meeting your mutual obligation requirements.

Income from outside Australia

Income you get from outside Australia can count in your income test.

  1. Natural disaster
  2. Most useful information

Verification of voluntary work form (SU462)

Job seekers and voluntary work organisations can use this form.

  1. Working
  2. Top payments

Income Bank

Helps you keep more of your Youth Allowance, Austudy or ABSTUDY payment if you’re a student or an Australian Apprentice receiving an income.

  1. JobSeeker Payment
  2. How to report and manage your payment

Prepare to transfer to Age Pension from JobSeeker Payment

You can’t get JobSeeker Payment if you’re over Age Pension age.

  1. Youth Allowance
  2. Youth Allowance for job seekers

What your commitments are to get Youth Allowance for job seekers

There are things you must do to keep getting Youth Allowance as a job seeker.

  1. What your commitments are
  2. Getting a medical certificate

What happens when you give us a medical certificate for JobSeeker Payment

We use your medical certificate to work out if you need an exemption from your mutual obligation requirements for a certain time. This is so you can keep getting JobSeeker Payment.

  1. Separated parents
  2. Most useful information

Objecting to a Child Support decision form (CS1893)

Use this form to object to a child support decision we made that you disagree with.

  1. Youth Allowance
  2. Youth Allowance for job seekers

When you'll get your first Youth Allowance for job seekers payment

There may be one or more waiting periods that apply before you get your first Youth Allowance for job seekers payment.

Search results summary and pagination

353 results, showing 121 to 130
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60163