Most viewed payments for Higher education

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Top payments
  2. Austudy

Who can get Austudy

You need to meet certain criteria to get Austudy if you're a student or Australian Apprentice.

  1. Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices
  2. Who can get it

Dependent or independent for Youth Allowance as a student or Australian apprentice

When you apply for Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices, we’ll assess you as being either dependent or independent.

  1. Top payments
  2. Austudy

How much Austudy you can get

The amount of Austudy you get depends on how much you earn.

  1. Austudy
  2. Who can get it

Study loads for Austudy and Youth Allowance

Most people need to study full time to get Austudy or Youth Allowance. To work out if you’re a full time student you need to know your study load.

  1. Help for myGov, online accounts and mobile apps
  2. Centrelink online account help guides

Centrelink online account help - Request a document

Instructions on how to view, print and save your documents using your Centrelink online account.

  1. Housing
  2. Top payments

Rent Assistance

A regular extra payment if you pay rent and get certain payments from us.

  1. Income and assets tests
  2. What the parental means test is

What the Parental income test is for Youth Allowance students and Australian Apprentices

We use the parental income test to assess your parents’ or guardians’ income for Youth Allowance. It’s part of the parental means test.

  1. Higher education
  2. Top payments

Student Start-up Loan

A voluntary loan you can get up to twice a year if you’re an eligible higher education student.

Approved courses and education providers

You must study an approved course at an approved education provider to get Youth Allowance, Austudy, or Pensioner Education Supplement.

  1. How much you can get
  2. Income and assets tests

What the parental means test is for Youth Allowance students and Australian Apprentices

We assess your parents’ or guardians’ income when you claim Youth Allowance as a dependent student or Australian Apprentice.

Search results summary and pagination

488 results, showing 11 to 20
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60172