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  1. Additional Child Care Subsidy
  2. Who can get it

The Transition to Work additional child care subsidy

You need to meet certain criteria to get Additional Child Care Subsidy Transition to Work.

  1. Additional Child Care Subsidy
  2. How to apply

Applying for Additional Child Care Subsidy Transition to Work

Information to help you claim Additional Child Care Subsidy Transition to Work.

Mutual obligation requirements in the Community Development Program

Information for job seekers about mutual obligation requirements in the Community Development Program.

  1. How much you can get
  2. Your activity level affects it

Casual or irregular hours of work for Child Care Subsidy

Casual or irregular work hours may affect your subsidised hours of care for Child Care Subsidy.

  1. Getting help to find work
  2. Disability Employment Services

Work Assist

Work Assist can help you stay in work if you risk losing your job through illness, injury or disability.

  1. Asset types
  2. Gifting

How gifting can affect your payment

If you or your partner gift money, income or assets, we may assess it in your income and assets tests.

  1. JobSeeker Payment
  2. How to report and manage your payment

Prepare to transfer to Age Pension from JobSeeker Payment

You can’t get JobSeeker Payment if you’re over Age Pension age.

  1. How much you can get
  2. Dependent or independent

Independent through work for Youth Allowance as a job seeker

You may be an independent job seeker if you’ve supported yourself through full time paid work.

Independent for ABSTUDY through work

You may be independent if you’ve supported yourself through work.

  1. Dependent or independent
  2. Independent through work

Independent for ABSTUDY through a work related activity

You may be independent by doing a work related activity. You must have been doing it for at least 3 out of the last 4 years.

Search results summary and pagination

224 results, showing 181 to 190
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60161