Payment schedule and rates for people outside Australia
We’ll pay your pension differently if you live outside Australia on a permanent or long term basis.
Real estate assets
Information about how real estate assets affect your payment under the assets test.
How to claim JobSeeker Payment
Complete the following steps to claim JobSeeker Payment. Before you start, check if you can get it.
Supporting documents for your Centrelink claim
When you claim a payment or service, we’ll ask you for some documents to support your claim.
Deeming rules are used to work out income from your financial assets. We add this to your other income and apply the income test to work out your payment rate.
How much Rent Assistance you can get
The amount of Rent Assistance you can get depends on how much rent you pay.
Setting up online accounts for Centrelink
To do your business with us, create a myGov account and link it to Centrelink.
Working while you’re getting Disability Support Pension
You may be able to work and still get Disability Support Pension (DSP).
Authorising a person or organisation to enquire or act on your behalf form (SS313)
Use this form to authorise a person or organisation to be your nominee so they can enquire or act on your behalf with Centrelink.
Residence descriptions
You usually need to be an Australian resident or hold a specific visa type to get a Centrelink payment or concession card.