Relocation Scholarship after you turn 22
Most people won’t qualify for a Relocation Scholarship after they turn 22.
Approved scholarship courses for Relocation Scholarship
Your course must be an approved scholarship course to get Relocation Scholarship.
Relocation Scholarship for practical placements
You can get a Relocation Scholarship if you need to move away from home for a practical placement.
Tell us about changes if you get Relocation Scholarship
We need to know about changes that could stop your Relocation Scholarship.
Residence rules for Pensioner Education Supplement
To be eligible for the Pensioner Education Supplement you must meet the residence rules.
Unsubscribe from electronic messaging
If you don’t want to get electronic messages from us, you can unsubscribe at any time.
Change how you get electronic messaging
You can change how you get electronic messages from us at any time.
Update your electronic messaging contact details
If you change your mobile number or email address, you need to tell us straight away.
Changing travel we've arranged under the ABSTUDY Fares Allowance
We won't approve changes to travel we've booked under the ABSTUDY Fares Allowance unless there's a good reason.
Penalties for travel you've missed under the ABSTUDY Fares Allowance
There are penalties for students and non-student travellers who miss travel we’ve booked using ABSTUDY Fares Allowance.