How much Crisis Payment for Extreme Circumstances Family and Domestic Violence you can get
You can get this Crisis Payment once per incident or circumstance.
What is family and domestic violence
Any behaviour that’s violent, threatening, controlling or intended to make you or your family feel scared and unsafe can be considered family and domestic violence.
How we can help you with family and domestic violence concerns
We can help you access our payments and connect you to other support services.
Keeping your information safe when leaving a relationship
If you’re leaving a relationship or living with violence or abuse, there are some things you need to do to keep your personal information safe.
Who can get a Crisis Payment for Extreme Circumstances Family and Domestic Violence
To get this Crisis Payment you must have experienced family and domestic violence and meet the other eligibility criteria.
How much Crisis Payment for Other Extreme Circumstances you can get
You can get this Crisis Payment once per incident or extreme circumstance.
How to contact social work services
You can speak to a social worker over the phone.
Severe financial hardship for Crisis Payment
For the purposes of Crisis Payment, you’re in severe financial hardship if you meet certain criteria.
How to protect yourself when you claim a Crisis Payment for Extreme Circumstances Family and Domestic Violence
It’s important to consider how to claim safely. This may include changing your details or nominee arrangements.
Privacy using social work services
We respect your right to privacy.