Most useful information for child health and safety

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Child health and safety
  2. Wellbeing

Support for foster carers and other non-parent carers

We support foster carers, grandparents, kinship carers and informal carers who provide ongoing care for a child.

Severe financial hardship for Crisis Payment

For the purposes of Crisis Payment, you’re in severe financial hardship if you meet certain criteria.

  1. Raising kids
  2. Child health and safety

Children’s health care

We cover some or all of your child’s health care costs.

  1. Top payments
  2. Child Dental Benefits Schedule

What’s covered by the Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Find out what child dental services we cover and how much we cover.

  1. Top payments
  2. Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Who can get the Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Check if your child is eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS).

Supporting documents for your Centrelink claim

When you claim a payment or service, we’ll ask you for some documents to support your claim.

  1. Crisis Payment
  2. Crisis Payment for other extreme circumstances

How much Crisis Payment for Other Extreme Circumstances you can get

You can get this Crisis Payment once per incident or extreme circumstance.

  1. Crisis Payment
  2. Crisis Payment for extreme circumstances family and domestic violence

How much Crisis Payment for Extreme Circumstances Family and Domestic Violence you can get

You can get this Crisis Payment once per incident or circumstance.

Proving your identity in person for a Centrelink payment

How to prove who you are in person at a service centre.

  1. Growing up
  2. Most useful information

Claim for a Health Care Card form (SS050)

Use this form to claim a Low Income Health Care Card or a Health Care Card for a foster child.

Search results summary and pagination

156 results, showing 1 to 10
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60122