Most useful information for Caring for someone

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Electronic messaging
  2. How to manage your messages

Change how you get electronic messaging

You can change how you get electronic messages from us at any time.

  1. How to manage your allowance
  2. Reviews

Carer Allowance income review

To make sure you’re paid correctly, we may review your income.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to claim

Other forms you may need to complete - Carer Payment

When you make your claim for Carer Payment, we may ask you to give us more information.

  1. How to keep your payment
  2. Reviews

Confirm or update your caring details for Carer Payment

If you get Carer Payment, we may send you a letter asking about your caring details and address. We’ll ask you to confirm or update these details.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to manage your payment

Prepare to transfer to Age Pension if you get Carer Payment

If you get Carer Payment and you’re Age Pension age, you can apply to transfer to Age Pension.

  1. Who can get it and how much you can get
  2. Eligible equipment

What are the alternative names for essential medical equipment

Sometimes eligible medical equipment for the Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP) might have a different name.

  1. Essential Medical Equipment Payment
  2. Who can get it and how much you can get

Essential Medical Equipment Payment while travelling or living outside Australia

You must be in Australia to get the payment.

  1. Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card
  2. How to manage your card

Renew your Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card

You can renew your Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card over the phone.

  1. Carer Allowance
  2. How to manage your allowance

Adjusted taxable income for Carer Allowance

We use your adjusted taxable income to work out if you can get Carer Allowance.

  1. Carer Allowance
  2. How to manage your allowance

Reviews for Carer Allowance

We may review your income and the level of care you give to check if you can keep Carer Allowance.

Search results summary and pagination

150 results, showing 131 to 140
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60191