Most useful information for Caring for someone

The pages voted most useful by other website visitors.

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  1. Carer Allowance
  2. How to manage your allowance

Reviews for Carer Allowance

We may review your income and the level of care you give to check if you can keep Carer Allowance.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. How to keep your payment

Reviews for Carer Payment

If you’re getting Carer Payment, we may do reviews. This is to help us understand your caring circumstances.

  1. Essential Medical Equipment Payment
  2. How to manage your payment

Change of circumstances when you get the Essential Medical Equipment Payment

We need to know if your circumstances change when you get the Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP). You have 14 days to tell us.

  1. Essential Medical Equipment Payment
  2. How to claim

Supporting documents for the Essential Medical Equipment Payment

When you claim the Essential Medical Equipment Payment (EMEP), we’ll ask you for some documents to support your claim.

  1. How to manage your allowance
  2. Travel outside Australia

When and how to tell us about overseas travel if you get Carer Allowance

When you get Carer Allowance, you may need to tell us if you or the person you care for are leaving Australia.

  1. How to keep your payment
  2. Travel outside Australia

When you leave Australia if you get Carer Payment

Your Carer Payment rate may change when you leave Australia depending on your situation.

Avoid scams and fraud when claiming natural disaster support

Before you start your claim for natural disaster support, it’s important to be aware of scams and fraud involving Services Australia and myGov.

  1. Carer Payment
  2. Who can get it

Rules if you transferred from Wife Pension to Carer Payment

The rules for Carer Payment if you transferred from Wife Pension.

  1. How to keep your payment
  2. Reviews

Medical reviews for Carer Payment

If you’re getting Carer Payment, we may do a medical review of the person you care for from time to time.

  1. General medical rules
  2. Diagnosed, reasonably treated and stabilised

Disability Support Pension if you're deaf or have severe hearing loss

How to get Disability Support Pension (DSP) if you’re deaf or have severe hearing loss.

Search results summary and pagination

150 results, showing 141 to 150
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60191