Getting support

If you care for someone, there are payments and services available to support you and the person you care for.

Support for carers

Caring for someone can be life changing and it’s important to know there’s support available.

We have payments available if you provide ongoing care for someone in need. These payments depend on your circumstances and those of the person you care for.

Read about getting a payment when you’re caring for someone.

There’s also other support to help you as a carer.

National support

There’s national support and information services available to help carers.

Respite care

Sometimes you may need to take a break from caring so you can rest and recharge.

Respite care is when someone else takes care of the person you care for, so that you can have a break. Read more about respite care on the Carer Gateway website.

You can use 63 days of respite each calendar year without your Carer Allowance or Carer Payment stopping. You need to tell us if you take a break. You can use these days for anything, including a holiday or simply taking a break from caring. Read about taking a break from care if you get Carer Payment or Carer Allowance.

Home help

The Carer Gateway website provides practical tips for caring at home. It includes information about how to use alarms and monitors, and how to move people safely.

Carers Australia

Carers Australia is the national peak body for carers. The Carers Australia website has information and support services.

The Young Carer Bursary Program helps young carers aged 12-25 to study through funding support. Find out about the Young Carer Bursary on the Young Carers Network website.

Carer Gateway

Carer Gateway is a free national service providing in-person, online and phone-based support and services to people who care for a family member or friend.

Their services include counselling, coaching, respite care, home help and equipment.

Read more on the Carer Gateway website.

My Aged Care

The My Aged Care website tells you about support you can get if you care for someone who’s elderly.

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) supports people with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain an improved quality of life.

Read more on the NDIS website.

Special Disability Trusts

You can set up a Special Disability Trust to plan for future care and housing for someone with disability.

Transport and travel help

You may help the person you care for with travelling outside the home.

Depending on their circumstances, the person you care for may be eligible for Mobility Allowance. This payment helps with travel costs connected to work, study or looking for work.

Read more about transport and travel support for carers on the Carer Gateway website.

Family and domestic violence

If you’re living with violence or abuse, there are some things you need to do to keep your information safe.

We can help you access our payments and connect you to help from other places.

State government support

States and territories offer additional information and support for carers.

The ACT Government can help you find services and resources for carers.

Service NSW provides support for carers, which includes programs, services and concessions.

The NT Department of Families and children can help you find information for carers.

The Queensland Government can help you find support services for carers, including counselling and respite care.

SA.GOV.AU offers support, information and resources for carers.

The Tasmanian Government Department of Health offers support for children, carers and family.

The Victorian State Government offers carer support services, including travel discounts and respite services.

The WA Department of Communities offers support for families and carers.

Support for the person you care for

The person you care for may be eligible for payments and support from us. What they can get will depend on their situation.

Find more information about what support is available if they’re one of the following:

Page last updated: 14 March 2025.
QC 60099