Read the relevant item descriptions, fact sheets and explanatory notes on the MBS Online website.
You can bill and claim the following items if you’re an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner or Aboriginal health worker.
These items don’t apply for patients admitted to hospital. You must provide the services face-to-face unless noted otherwise. You can bill these items using your Medicare provider number.
Item | Service | MBS requirements |
10950 - Face-to-face 93000 - Video 93013 - Phone | Individual allied health service for chronic disease management | This service is only available to patients with either a:
The medical practitioner referred the patient using a referral form, and the service is at least 20 minutes long. You can claim up to 5 services per patient in a calendar year. |
81300 - Face-to-face 93048 - Video 93061 - Phone | Follow-up allied health service for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent | Service provided to a patient after a medical practitioner has done a health assessment and identified a need for follow-up allied health services. The medical practitioner referred the patient using a referral form, and the service is at least 20 minutes long. You can claim up to 5 services per patient in a calendar year. This is on top of the annual limit of 5 individual allied health services for chronic disease management. |
If you perform these services on behalf of a supervising medical practitioner, you can bill these items using the medical practitioner’s provider number. These items don’t apply for patients admitted to hospital unless noted otherwise.
Item | Service | MBS requirements |
10983 | Telehealth support service | The patient must have a video conference consultation with a specialist, consultant physician or psychiatrist. Your support must be necessary for provision of the specialist service. |
10987 - Face-to-face 93200 - Video 93202 - Phone | Follow up service for an Indigenous patient who has received a health assessment | Service provided in between consultations with the medical practitioner, in line with the patient’s health assessment. You must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to perform this service. Only available to Indigenous patients who’ve had a health assessment. You can claim up to 10 services per patient in a calendar year. |
10988 | Immunisation service | You must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to perform this service, for immunising a patient. You can only claim once per patient visit, even if you give more than one vaccine in the same visit. The medical practitioner can also claim for the professional attendance they provide to the patient, along with the immunisation service. |
10989 | Wound management service | Treatment of a patient’s wound other than normal aftercare. You must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to perform this service. You can only claim once per patient visit, even if you treated more than one wound during the same visit. The medical practitioner must assess the patient in order to give instruction in relation to the treatment of wound. However, they’re not required to give instruction or see the patient during each subsequent visit. |
10997 - Face-to-face 93201 - Video 93203 - Phone | Monitoring and support for a person with chronic disease | You must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to perform this service. Ongoing care, routine treatment and ongoing monitoring and support. This is between the more structured reviews of the care plan by the patient’s medical practitioner. Services should be consistent with the care plan. Only available to patients with either a:
You can claim up to 5 services per patient in a calendar year. |
12325 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples assessment of visual acuity and bilateral retinal photography | This service can be provided in or out of hospital. The patient must be of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent. The assessment must be performed by a medical practitioner providing the primary glycaemic management of the patient’s diabetes. This must not be an optometrist or ophthalmologist. The patient must not have received a service under this item or item 12326 in the preceding 12 months and must not also have:
Any personnel performing any elements of this service under the direction of the medical practitioner must be appropriately trained or qualified. If diabetic retinopathy is found, the medical practitioner should refer the patient to an optometrist or ophthalmologist. |
13105 | Haemodialysis management for patients in very remote areas | Haemodialysis management for patients with end-stage renal disease. Haemodialysis is provided in a Modified Monash Model 7 area (very remote). Patient’s care is managed by a nephrologist and reviewed every 3 to 6 months. The nephrologist can review the patient and supervise haemodialysis in person or remotely. |
16400 - Face-to-face 91850 - Video 91855 - Phone | Antenatal service | You must be an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to perform this service. Antenatal service provided either at or from, an eligible practice location in a regional, rural or remote area. You can’t claim them with another antenatal attendance item for the same patient, on the same day, by the same practitioner. You can claim up to 10 services per patient, per pregnancy. |
Quality Assurance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Services (QAAMS)
If you perform these services on behalf of a supervising medical practitioner, you can bill these items using the medical practitioner’s provider number. The practice or medical practitioner must be certified as competent by the QAAMS program.
Item | Service | MBS requirements |
73839 | Diabetes diagnosis blood test |
73840 | Established diabetes management blood test |
73844 | Urine test in the management of established diabetes or patients at risk of microalbuminuria |