Manage your details

Manage your personal and professional details in Health Professional Online Services (HPOS).

HPOS is a secure way for health professionals and organisations to do business with us online.

You must have a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account to access HPOS. You can access HPOS as an individual, or on behalf of an organisation. If you don’t have a PRODA account, register for PRODA online. Then follow the steps to set up your HPOS access.

You can also manage your provider and prescriber numbers using HPOS.

You can create a list of your favourite links for quick access to services you use often.

Follow these steps to set up a favourites list in HPOS:

  1. Log in to PRODA to use HPOS.
  2. Select the Plus icon button located on the right side of the screen, then select the Edit button to change your list.
  3. Select a service from the Available service list, then select Add.
  4. Select Update to finalise any changes to your favourites list.

Follow these steps to remove an item from your favourites list:

  1. Log in to PRODA to use HPOS.
  2. Select a service from the My favourite links section, then select Remove.
  3. Select Update to finalise any changes to your favourites list.

Log in to PRODA

You can nominate bank account details for your current provider numbers in HPOS. The My banking details section in HPOS shows all your current provider numbers and the bank details registered against them.

Where there are bank details registered for different programs on one provider number, a separate line will display for each program against that provider number. For example, a provider works at a clinic under provider number 123456A. They have registered EFT details for Medicare and the Practice Incentive Program Service Incentive Payment (PIPSIP). HPOS will display 2 lines against 123456A. A line for Medicare and a line for the PIPSIP.

Programs you’re registered for but haven’t nominated banking details for won’t display on this list.

Changes will be visible in HPOS within 24 hours.

Follow these steps to add or update your bank account details:

  1. Log in to PRODA to use HPOS.
  2. Select My personal details.
  3. Select My banking details. A list of all provider numbers and programs with bank details registered will display.
  4. Select Add or Update against the provider numbers or programs.
  5. Enter the details or select an existing account from the drop down list and select the Acknowledgement checkbox.
  6. Select Submit. A success screen will display to confirm details have been updated.

If your Minor ID needs updating, call the eBusiness Service Centre.

If your delegate changes your bank account we’ll ask you to confirm the details. This is so we send payments to the correct location.

Follow these steps if you need to approve details provided by a delegate:

  1. Log in to PRODA to use HPOS.
  2. Select My personal details.
  3. Select My banking details. A list of all provider numbers and programs with bank details registered will display.
  4. Select Review against the provider numbers.
  5. Review the details and select the Acknowledgement checkbox.
  6. Select Approve or Reject. A confirmation message will display. To confirm the details select Yes.

Log in to PRODA

Page last updated: 13 January 2025.
QC 74173