How much you can get

We use income and assets tests to work out how much Youth Allowance for job seekers you get. These are the maximum rates.

We update these rates at different times each year.

If you’re single, a job seeker, principal carer or exempt from mutual obligation, we update your rates on 20 March and 20 September.

In all other circumstances, we update your rates on 1 January.

Youth Allowance for job seekers who are 16 or older is a taxable Centrelink payment. Read about paying tax on your payment.

Payment rates

This table is a guide only.

Your circumstancesYour maximum fortnightly payment from 20 March 2025
Single, no children, younger than 18, and live at your parent’s home$410.30
Single, no children, younger than 18, living away from your parent’s home to study, train or look for work$663.30
Single, no children, 18 or older and live at parent’s home$472.50
Single, no children, 18 or older and need to live away from parent’s home$663.30
Single, with children$836.60
A couple, with no children$663.30
A couple, with children$718.10

Single, job seeker, principal carer and exempt from mutual obligation requirements because you:

  • are a registered and active foster carer
  • home school your children
  • teach your children by distance education
  • care for a related child you’re not the parent of, as directed by a Parenting Order through Family Court.

You’re a single, job seeker, exempt from mutual obligation requirements because you’re the main carer of a large family. This means 4 or more dependent children younger than 16 or 16 to 19 in secondary school.


Personal and partner income and assets tests may affect how much you can get. If you use your income protection insurance, we’ll count it as income. This may affect how much you get.

If you’re dependent, the parental income test will also apply. If you’re younger than 18 and dependent, your parent or guardian will usually get the payment. If you’re a dependant, we’ll ask for details of your parents’ taxable income in September or October each year.

The amount you get may change if you or a family member’s circumstances change.

Page last updated: 20 March 2025.
QC 43961