How much you can get

We use income and assets tests to work out how much Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices you can get. These are the maximum rates.

Payment rates

We update these payment rates on 1 January each year.

The table is a guide only.

Your situationYour maximum fortnightly payment from 1 January 2025
Single, no children, younger than 18, and live at your parent’s home$410.30
Single, no children, younger than 18, living away from your parent’s home to study, train or look for work$663.30
Single, no children, 18 or older and live at your parent’s home$472.50
Single, no children, 18 or older and need to live away from your parent’s home$663.30
Single, with children$836.60
A couple, with no children$663.30
A couple, with children$718.10

When you apply for a payment you and your partner need to provide income and assets details. This affects how much you can get. If you’re dependent, the parental means test applies. If your parents or guardians earn too much, you won’t be able to get a payment.

Use our Payment Finder to find out how much you could get. It will be an estimate only and depends on you entering accurate information. You’ll need to enter your partner’s or your parents’ or guardians’ income along with other details. This includes your income details.

If you’re younger than 18 and dependent, your parent or guardian will usually get the payment, to help you manage it.

Other rates

In some situations, you may be eligible for different rates such as the long term income support rate shown below.

Your situationYour maximum fortnightly payment
Single and live at your parent’s home$555.80
Single and need to live away from home$783.30
A couple, with no children$718.10

Students can only get the rates listed here if you meet all of the following:

  • you don’t have a dependent child
  • you’re a full-time or concessional study load student and your course will last at least 12 months
  • the course started after you turned 22.

Australian Apprentices can only get the rates listed here if you meet all of the following:

  • you don’t have a dependent child
  • commenced your apprenticeship after turning 22.

These rates also apply to both students and Australian Apprentices if you meet all of the following:

  • you’re 22 or older
  • you don’t have a dependent child
  • English is not your first language
  • you’re studying an English language course.

Students and Australian Apprentices must also get one of the following payments:

  • JobSeeker Payment
  • Youth Allowance for job seekers
  • Parenting Payment Single
  • Parenting Payment Partnered
  • Disability Support Pension
  • Carer Payment
  • Special Benefit
  • a payment when someone dies.

Payment reviews

Sometimes we review your payment.

The amount you get may change if your circumstances change or a family member’s circumstances change.

If you’re a dependant, we’ll ask for details of your parents’ or guardians’ taxable income in September or October each year.

If you’re a student, we’ll ask for details about your future study intentions. We’ll ask you 4 weeks before your course finishes.

If your Centrelink online account is linked to myGov, sign in now to tell us about your study details.

Sign in to myGov

You can also do this using the Express Plus Centrelink mobile app.

Page last updated: 26 March 2025.
QC 43931