on this page
Support services
Whatever your situation, there’s support available.
This national family violence and sexual assault counselling service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s confidential and free to call. They can also help with advice about online safety if you think someone is watching your online activities. Read more about online safety on the 1800RESPECT website.
To contact 1800RESPECT:
- call 1800 737 732 to speak with a professional counsellor
- use the services directory on the 1800RESPECT website to find help in your area
- go to the 1800RESPECT website.
1800 ELDERHelp line
The Elder Abuse Help Line directs you to your state or territory service. Operating hours vary. Call 1800 353 374.
Compass is a national website with information and resources about the abuse of older Australians. If you or an older person you know needs help, you can use it to find support in your area.
Disability Gateway
The Disability Gateway connects you to information about family and domestic violence and support services in your state or territory. You can find this information in the Safety and Help section of the Disability Gateway website.
Family Relationship Advice
The Family Relationship Advice Line can help you with family issues and separation. They can also refer you to local services for more help.
Call them on 1800 050 321. The line is open:
- Monday to Friday, 8 am to 8 pm
- Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm.
Read more about the Family Relationship Advice Line on the Family Relationships website.
Financial Counselling Australia
You can talk with a private financial counsellor from Financial Counselling Australia for free. Read more about financial counselling on the Financial Counselling Australia website.
Intellectual Disability Rights Service
The Intellectual disability rights service is a disability advocacy service and a community legal centre. They help people with disability to promote and protect their rights. To contact them, you can either:
- call 02 9318 0144
- go to the Intellectual Disability Rights service website.
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline is a free service for young people aged 5 to 25.
To contact them:
- call 1800 551 800 at any time
- go to the Kids Helpline website.
Lifeline offers personal crisis support services if you’re affected by family and domestic violence.
Call them on 131 114 at any time.
Read more on the Lifeline website.
MensLine Australia
MensLine Australia is a phone and online support service. They provide specialist help to people affected by family and domestic violence. They also offer support to people using violence.
To contact them:
- call 1300 789 978 at any time
- go to the MensLine Australia website.
Men’s Referral Service
The Men’s Referral Service is a free phone counselling, information and referral service. They help men to stop using violence and abuse against family members.
To contact them:
- call 1300 766 491
- go to the No to Violence website.
The line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is available nationally.
The Moneysmart website can help you manage your money. They have information about urgent money help and divorce and separation.
National Debt Helpline
The National Debt Helpline can help you tackle your debt problems. Call them on 1800 007 007. They’re open Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm AEST.
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline is a telephone service for reporting cases of neglect and abuse of people with a disability. Call the hotline on 1800 880 052.
National Legal Aid
National Legal Aid can help you find the legal aid commission in your state or territory. Read more about their services on the National legal aid website.
People With Disability Australia
People With Disability Australia provides short-term advocacy to protect you from violence and abuse. To contact them:
- call 1800 422 015 or 02 9370 3100
- TTY free call: 1800 422 016
- TTY: 02 9318 2138
- Go to the People With Disability Australia website.
QLife provides anonymous support and referrals for LGBTI+ people who may be experiencing family and domestic violence.
To contact them:
- call 1800 184 527
- go to the QLife website to chat online.
The phone line and webchat are available from 3pm to midnight, every day.
Raising children
The Raising Children Network website has a list of helplines and other resources for children experiencing abuse.
Say It Out Loud
Say It Out Loud provides information on family and domestic violence, safety planning and referral services for LGBTI+ people. It is a national resource, and also provides information on state and territory specific supports.
Women With Disabilities Australia
Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) represents and advocates for women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary people living with disabilities across Australia. WWDA’s work involves a broad range of activities and projects that aim to promote human rights and end all forms of discrimination and violence on the basis of disability and gender. Read more on the Women with Disabilities Australia website.
Support tools
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a free and anonymous website to find national and local support. It includes services like housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice and many more.
Daisy is a free app developed by 1800RESPECT that connects you to services in your local area. You can create a list of services and save them. This includes legal, housing, financial and children’s services. You can also search the internet with Daisy and understand what to expect when contacting a service.
Download Daisy from Google Play or the App Store.

Sunny is a free app developed by 1800RESPECT and women with disability. Sunny supports all women with disability impacted by sexual assault and family and domestic violence.
Sunny helps you to:
- understand what violence and abuse are
- learn about different types of violence
- understand what has happened
- know your rights
- find people who can help.
Download Sunny from Google Play or the App Store.

Stay safe online
If you are online, you may be vulnerable to abuse. There is advice available to help you.
Australian Electoral Commission
Your address appears on the electoral roll. If you think this could put your family at risk, you can register as a silent elector. Contact the Australian Electoral Commission to do this. Read more about silent electors on the Australian Electoral Commission website.
You can learn about online safety on the eSafety Commissioner website.
They have information and resources that can help you:
- understand what technology facilitated abuse is
- create an online safety plan
- find people who can help
- collect evidence of online abuse.
The eSafety Commissioner has easy to read online safety advice with images to support the key messages. Read more about ‘Help in Easy Read format’ on the eSafety Commissioners website.
It’s important you keep your myGov sign in details private. If you share sign in details with anyone, you should change them immediately. Read more about privacy and security with myGov.
My Health Record
Information uploaded to your or your child’s My Health Record can contain contact information such as your address. If this could put your family at risk call the My Health Record System Operator on 1800 723 471. They can discuss your options with you. Read more about how to take steps to control the information in your My Health Record on the Australian Digital Health Agency website.