Certifying and closing PBS claims

You need to certify all claims submitted to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) by closing claims using your dispensing software.

Certification confirms each supply of a PBS medicine complies with your legal obligations set out within the provisions of the:

  • National Health Act 1953
  • National Health (Supply of Pharmaceutical Benefits - Under Co-payment Data and Claims for Payment) Rules 2022 (Claims Rules).

Certification applies to all claims submitted to PBS including under co-payments.

Claims that remain uncertified

If a claim has been processed and determined but isn’t certified, you may need to repay the advance payment.

Timeframe to certify your claim period

Certification is due 30 days from when the last claim in a claim period is submitted to PBS online by the approved supplier.

Actioning certification of a claim

You can close claims using your dispensing software. Your software vendor can help you to identify and action claims that haven’t been certified. Ask your software vendor for assistance if it’s needed.

Additional Community Supply Support payments

Additional Community Supply Support (ACSS) payments can only be made for supplies in claim periods that have been certified and closed. More information about the ACSS is available under the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.

Closing multiple claim periods

Due to system limitations pharmacies should only certify and close 20,000 PBS supplies claims per day. If you exceed 20,000 claims, there may be a delay to your weekly payment.

Page last updated: 3 March 2025.
QC 80476