Before you claim, you’ll need to check:
- you haven’t already claimed elsewhere
- if you need pre-approval for goods and services you want to claim.
Check you’ve claimed elsewhere
Make sure you’ve claimed from the following if you’re able to:
- Medicare
- your private health insurance
- other state or territory government schemes
- the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
We may be able to cover your out of pocket costs after you claim from these options. Make sure you have evidence of these claims such as:
- health care practitioner evidence
- quotes
- tax invoices
- receipts
- proof of purchase.
For more information on how to do this check the EAF and HCAF Program Guidelines on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.
Check if you need pre-approval
You may need pre-approval for goods and services you wish to claim from the EAF or the HCAF.
The EAF and HCAF Program Guidelines on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website have more information on:
- the goods and services that need pre-approval
- what you need to do to get pre-approval.