Disability Support Pension
Financial help if you have a physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition that is likely to persist for more than 2 years and stops you from working.
Telephone Allowance
A quarterly payment to help with phone and internet costs if you get certain payments from us.
Pharmaceutical Allowance
A regular extra payment to help with medicine costs if you get certain payments from us.
Youth Disability Supplement
An extra payment if you’re a young person with disability and on an income support payment.
Pensioner Education Supplement
A regular extra payment to help with your study costs if you get certain payments.
Assistance for Isolated Children Scheme
A group of payments for parents and carers of children who can't go to a local state school. This could be because of geographical isolation, disability or special needs.
Energy Supplement
An extra payment to help with energy costs if you get certain payments from us.
Child Disability Assistance Payment
An annual payment if you get Carer Allowance when looking after a child with disability or medical condition.
Special Disability Trusts
A way for families to plan for the long term care and accommodation needs of someone with a severe disability.
Electronic messaging
A service that lets you get important text messages or emails from us. You don’t need an online account for this.