The Electronic Claim Lodgement and Information Processing Service Environment (ECLIPSE) offers a secure connection and direct communication in one transaction between us and all of the following:
- health professionals
- public and private hospitals
- billing agents
- private health insurers
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)
You can use ECLIPSE to:
- submit in-patient medical claims, billing agent claims and patient claims
- submit in-hospital claims from public and private hospitals and day facilities
- request eligibility and verification checks from private health insurers and us
- retrieve your reports from us.
You can also use ECLIPSE to submit in-hospital claims from public and private hospitals and day facilities for your patient’s hospital stay. This includes claims for:
- accommodation
- transfers
- miscellaneous items like prosthetics.
The benefits of using ECLIPSE include:
- faster resolution of claims
- less manual intervention, fewer errors and quicker resolutions
- clearer error messages with a single point of contact for fixing problems
- online patient verification of Medicare enrolment and private health insurer membership
- no more claims batching
- one system for all private health insurers
- no transaction costs for medical claiming
- all-in-one area for claiming
- overseas claiming.
Both your practice management software and private health insurer’s software must have the same ECLIPSE functions installed.