What happens when you give us a medical certificate

We use your medical certificate to work out if you need an exemption from your mutual obligation requirements for a short time. This is so you can keep getting Special Benefit.

We assess your need for a temporary incapacity exemption based on your medical certificate. Giving us a medical certificate doesn’t always mean we’ll give you an exemption.

This might include where any of these apply:

  • there’s not enough information from the doctor for us to decide
  • your inability to work isn’t temporary
  • you’re able to work, or participate in other suitable activities for more than 8 hours per week
  • substance abuse is the main cause you’re unable to work.

If we need more information, we may contact you.

While we assess your request for an exemption, you need to keep meeting your mutual obligation requirements. This includes attending appointments with your employment services provider.

If we give you an exemption

We may give you an exemption if your medical certificate shows you’re unable to do either of these for at least 8 hours per week:

  • any suitable work
  • participate in other activities such as training.

If we give you an exemption, we’ll tell you:

  • how long the exemption is for
  • if you need to do any activities
  • if there’s a change to your reporting requirements.

Maximum exemption period

From 1 January 2025, the maximum exemption you can get from your Special Benefit for Nominated Visa Holders requirements is up to 24 months. This is from the start date on the medical certificate. The duration of the medical certificate will depend on your diagnosis.

Further exemptions

You can ask for a further exemption if you’re still unable to undertake your requirements when your medical certificate ends. This is only if your incapacity stays temporary. You’ll need to give us a new medical certificate. We may refer you for an Employment Services Assessment (ESAt) to assess your ability to work.

If we don’t give you an exemption

If we don’t give you an exemption, we’ll discuss what your options are. This might include other activities or services that may help you meet your mutual obligation requirements.

There may be other reasons for you to get an exemption from your requirements other than a medical condition.

If you have an ongoing sickness, injury or disability

Your employment services provider may refer you for an ESAt which helps us understand:

  • your barriers to work
  • your capacity to work due to sickness or injury
  • what type of employment services provider is best for you.

You need to attend the assessment even if we’ve given you an exemption. We’ll let you know the outcome of your assessment.

Page last updated: 1 January 2025.
QC 54583