This allowance is to help pay the fees public high schools charge for:
- general services and facilities
- tuition
- some school subjects, including sport if it’s a subject.
It can also be for:
- materials for a school subject
- school magazines
- hiring a locker
- hiring a laptop or tablet
- hiring books
- exams.
What it isn’t for
The allowance isn’t for:
- stationery
- buying a laptop or tablet
- special clothing, such as aprons for art
- incidentals, such as purchases from the school shop
- laundry fees or buying linen
- fees for a Parents and Citizens Association or similar group
- payments to school building funds
- insurance for school activities.
School Fees Allowance at home rate also isn’t for private school fees. Some students can get School Fees Allowance higher rate if they can’t attend public school.