We have information in different languages about Travel outside Australia
For Centrelink payments and services, you can call our multilingual phone service.
If you leave Australia to live in another country, your payment will stop when you depart.
Your payment will also stop when you depart if all of these apply:
- you travel for more than 6 weeks
- you return to Australia
- you then leave again within 6 weeks.
If your travel is short term, you’ll get paid for up to 6 weeks if both of these apply. You:
- get your main payment, such as Disability Support Pension or Carer Payment
- are enrolled and studying in an approved full time Australian course and will continue study when you return.
You may get paid for more than 6 weeks if both of these apply:
- you’re studying outside Australia
- your study is part of a full time Australian course.
Check the travel rules for your main payment while outside Australia to find out:
- if you can get your payment when you depart
- when and how to tell us about your travel plans.
Australia’s immigration department will tell us when you leave. They will also tell us when you return.