Report a Services Australia or myGov scam

You can report scams impersonating us by email.

If you’ve found a scam impersonating Services Australia or myGov, including Centrelink, Medicare or Child Support, you can email it to

You should only email us if you haven’t opened a suspicious link or given your personal information to a scammer. If you have, call our Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk immediately for advice.

Watch this video about how to identify and report a scam.

Text message scams

If you get a scam text message, email us a screenshot of the scam text message that includes the suspicious link. Delete or block the contact from your messages when you’re done.

Email scams

If you get an email scam, forward us the entire email without changing or adding any extra information. Delete the email when you’re done. If you’re not able to forward the email, take a screenshot of the email that includes the suspicious link.

Social media account and messages

If you see a fake myGov or Services Australia account, email us a screenshot that includes the account name and any suspicious links.

If you get a direct message from an account pretending to be us or work for us, email us a screenshot that includes the account name and any suspicious links. Delete and block this account from contacting you again.

Telephone scams

If you get a scam call and can see the number the scammer called from, email us a screenshot of that number.

Other scams

If you spot a scam that is not related to myGov or Services Australia, you can report it to ScamWatch. Find out how to report a scam on the ScamWatch website.

Contact numbers available on this page.

Scams and Identity Theft Helpdesk

Use this line if you think you’ve been scammed and need help, or to report identity theft.

Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm AEST (AEDT during daylight saving months)

There are other ways you may want to contact us.

Page last updated: 17 September 2024.
QC 74469