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If you’re lodging a tax return, your payment summary details will pre-fill into your tax return by mid-July each year. Other income and information will pre-fill by late July.
Taxable payments
Taxable payments on payment summaries are:
- ABSTUDY Living Allowance, if you’re 16 or older
- Age Pension
- Austudy
- a payment when someone dies
- Business Service Wage Assessment Tool Payment (BSWAT) lump sum in arrears
- Community Development Employment Program (CDEP) Participant Supplement
- Dad and Partner Pay
- Disability Support Pension, if you are of Age Pension age
- Disaster Recovery Allowance
- Education Entry Payment
- Emergency and General Assistance Payment
- Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment
- Farm Household Allowance
- Farm Household Allowance Relief Payment
- Farm Household Allowance Supplement
- JobSeeker Payment
- Parental Leave Pay that we pay you
- Parenting Payment
- PaTH Internship Incentive - JobSeeker
- PaTH Internship Incentive - Pension
- Pensioner Partner Allowance
- Pensions Mature Age Allowance
- Special Benefit, if you’re 16 or older
- Youth Allowance, if you’re 16 or older
- Youth Disability Supplement, if you’re 16 or older, paid with Youth Allowance or ABSTUDY Living Allowance.
Your Carer Payment will be taxable if either you or any:
- of your care receivers is of Age Pension age
- person you get Carer Allowance for is of Age Pension age and you transferred from Wife Pension.
Non-taxable payments
Some non-taxable payments that appear on your payment summary must be included in your tax return. These are:
- Carer Payment, if you and all care receivers are under Age Pension age
- Disability Support Pension, if you are under Age Pension age
- Youth Disability Supplement, when paid with Disability Support Pension
- Remote Area Allowance.
Tax year
A tax year or financial year is different to a calendar year.
As you know, a calendar year goes from 1 January to 31 December. But a tax year goes from 1 July one calendar year, to 30 June the next calendar year. For example, 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. We refer to this as the 2023-24 tax year or financial year.
When you lodge a tax return, it’s for income you got in the last tax year.
Simmo started getting a taxable payment from us on 10 September 2023. They also did paid casual work at a café from 1 October 2023 to 15 March 2024. Simmo’s income and payment are within the 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 period.
Simmo will need to lodge a tax return to declare this income to the Australian Taxation Office. This means they’ll lodge a tax return for the 2023-24 tax year.
Simmo lodges their tax return in late July, after their Centrelink payment summary and café job details pre-fill in ATO myTax. Using pre-filled information helps Simmo avoid mistakes and the need to amend and re-submit their tax return.