Most viewed payments for Seeking medical help

The payments and services most viewed by other website visitors.

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  1. Seeking medical help
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External Breast Prostheses Reimbursement Program

You can get a Medicare rebate to help with the cost of an external breast prosthesis, or swimming prosthesis, after breast cancer surgery.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Australian Government rebate on Private Health Insurance

A reduction for part of your private health insurance costs based on age and annual earnings.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Medicare Voluntary Indigenous Identifier

We will ask you if you want to identify when you apply for our payments or services.

  1. Working
  2. Top payments

High-Risk Settings Pandemic Payment

This was support if you worked in a high-risk setting and couldn't earn an income because you tested positive for COVID-19.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Indigenous Access Program

Provides access to Medicare services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

  1. Working
  2. Top payments

Economic Support Payment

These were extra payments paid as part of the coronavirus (COVID-19) stimulus. We’ve already paid most eligible people.

  1. Seeking medical help
  2. Top payments

Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment

A one off payment to help people who have suffered harm or have a close family member who died as a direct result of a declared overseas terrorist act.

  1. Working
  2. Top payments

Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment

This was a support payment if you or someone you’re caring for had to self-isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19.

  1. Medicare
  2. Top payments

Medicare benefit tax statement

We no longer issue tax statements for Medicare benefits.

  1. Natural disaster
  2. Top payments

Disaster Health Care Assistance Scheme

Help with out of pocket health costs you have from an act of terrorism or natural disaster the scheme covers.

Search results summary and pagination

32 results, showing 21 to 30
Page last updated: 10 December 2021.
QC 60181