Australia Day public holiday closure
Your Centrelink payment and reporting dates may change due to the upcoming public holiday.
Lump sums while on income support
A lump sum is a one off amount of money. They can count in your income test and may affect your payment from us.
Work Bonus balance
We use your Work Bonus balance to offset your eligible income so you keep more of your pension if you’re working.
How to contact the Financial Information Service
We have Financial Information Service (FIS) Officers to help you.
How to get Rent Assistance
You don’t need to submit a claim for Rent Assistance.
Working while you’re getting Age Pension
If your income goes over the cut off point, we'll pay you $0 for that fortnight. In some situations, we can suspend your Age Pension.
Income and assets from outside Australia can affect your Age Pension
If you or your partner get income from, or have assets outside Australia, this could affect your Age Pension.
How a Work Bonus works
The Work Bonus reduces the amount of your eligible income included in the income test. This helps us work out your rate of payment.
Payments while outside Australia
To get your payment or concession card while outside Australia, you must continue to meet the qualification rules at all times.
Who can get a Pension Supplement
There are 3 ways to be eligible for a Pension Supplement.